Tag Archives: future

Tarot – How Often Should You Have a Reading?

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Discover How To Read And Tell The Future With Tarot Cards
Ready To Learn To Read Tarot Cards Quickly?

One of my FAQs is, “How often should I have a Tarot Card reading?” There is no general answer. It depends on your purpose – what type of reading you are having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a reading every six months or so, or perhaps every year.

This kind of reading tends to involve a bigger “spread” or “layout” as Tarot readings are called, with more cards in it. This allows a broader view of trends that may be coming into play around you. It usually tells a reader whether you are in a time of change or of relative stability – Continue reading Tarot — How Often Should You Have a Reading?

Tarot Card Tools

Tarot cards are used as a tool for psychics to link in with spirits and guides to offer guidance that may relate to past, present and occasionally, the future.

Tarot cards can be laid out in various ways and any number of cards drawn. Some psychics may even use a combination of 2-3 tarot decks. Ultimately, the messages and guidance offered will be of meaning and of truth, and essentially, a message that needs to be given to the recipient.

All tarot cards come with meanings and some people may only use this way of giving readings. Some psychics however, will throw away the books accompanying the tarot cards, and use only links with spirit to Continue reading Tarot Card Tools

Divining The Future

Whether in movies or books or in life, it is human nature to be curious about “what happens next”, what the future holds in store. Because of this curiosity divination methods were developed, some even centuries old. There are several tools and ways to divine the future. Forms popularized by gypsies (as related in tales) are crystal (ball) gazing, tarot card reading, palmistry, tea leaves, bones, etc.

Divination is anything but an exact art or science. People who have the gift of divination are often called fortune tellers. This is actual a mislabel, because it really isn’t fortune that the diviner sees but possibilities of a person’s future live, love, finances, etc. All these based on decisions that a person makes now. In the Filipino language, diviners are called Continue reading Divining The Future